Abstract guidelines & submission


Abstract submission is open until 07/08/2023, 11:59 pm CET.

We hope that you are looking forward to joining us in Šibenik for the 7th Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife impacts – CWW2023 September 18-22, 2023.

The program for CWW2023 is structured around the theme of Nature inclusive upscaling of wind energy and consists of a range of discussion sessions, individual talks and workshops on the topics outlined below. 

We are aiming for a conference with physical attendance and live presentations. However, we also recognize that many potential contributors may not be able to attend in-person and we are investigating whether a hybrid in-person/virtual event may be possible – more information on this will follow in the coming weeks.

  1. Regulatory and planning aspects of wind energy projects
    Presenters are invited to contribute case studies on how regulatory and planning aspects can lead to environmentally responsible and/or nature-inclusive development of onshore and offshore wind.

  2. Species-specific responses of onshore and offshore wind energy projects
    Approaches, methods, and case studies on species-specific responses for onshore and offshore wind.
    Examples for non-volant species, crustaceans, large carnivores, reptiles and amphibians, invertebrates are strongly encouraged.

  3. Cumulative and population effects of wind energy projects
    Approaches and case studies for addressing cumulative and population effects to make wind energy more nature-inclusive and environmentally responsible.
    Approaches to assess cumulative and population effects of onshore and offshore wind on species populations are strongly encouraged.  

  4. Ecosystem and habitat effects of wind energy projects
    Approaches, methods and case studies addressing ecosystem and habitat effects, including subjects such as habitat degradation and fragmentation, reef effects, trophic interactions etc.
  5. Current and future technology for wind energy and wildlife monitoring and minimisation of impacts
    Presenters are invited to contribute on the state of the art and efficacy of available and next generation technology-based tools, including case studies on the challenges and barriers to deployment.
    Approaches to overcome the barriers for using technology for monitoring and/or minimisation/mitigation are strongly encouraged.  
    Perspectives from engineers, industry, turbine manufacturers, the finance community and regulators are strongly encouraged.
  6. Dealing with uncertainty in wind energy and biodiversity assessments
    Presenters are invited to contribute field-based and analytical approaches, methods, case studies illustrating challenges and solutions for dealing with uncertainty when assessing biodiversity risks and impacts from onshore and offshore wind energy projects.
    Included in this topic is the subtopic of determining (acceptable) thresholds of impact to species populations.

  7. Minimising and mitigating impacts of wind energy projects
    Approaches and case studies which lead to nature-inclusive onshore and offshore wind development are highly encouraged.
    Minimisation and mitigation approaches for ecosystem, habitat, cumulative, and population effects are highly encouraged. 

  8. Future issues – emerging challenges and solutions
    Presenters are invited to contribute with approaches, methods and case studies on emerging renewable energy biodiversity and environmental issues.
    Comparative studies addressing impacts and solutions across renewable energy sources are welcome.

  9. Wind energy and biodiversity in practice
    Perspectives from industry, turbine manufacturers, the finance community and regulators are strongly encouraged. 



Abstract Submission Deadline: 07/08/2023
Notification of abstracts acceptance: May, 2023
Participants will receive an e-mail confirmation of their acceptance of the abstract and in what form they are accepted.

Instructions for the presenters

Oral presentations

Poster presentations

Please note! Presentation of the works, orally or in the form of a poster, will not be possible without the payment of the participation fee (except for the works of invited lecturers).


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8th CWW
Sep 8-12, 2025
Abstracts & Sponsoring e-mail: info@cww2023.org
Registration & Accommodation e-mail: jelena.vitanovic@spektar-holidays.hr


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